About Ken Haynes

My Background

I am originally from London and now live near Seattle, Washington USA.

I started as a programmer in 1981, working on the Xerox 820, having gotten my start on the Sinclair ZX-81. Since then, I have worked on staff and contract for companies such as General Electric, The International Stock Exchange, Legal & General Insurance Company, Barclays de Zoete Wedd, and Abbey National Bank.

I started my career using the BASIC programming language then moved on to C and Assembly Language. Since those heady days, I have learned and developed projects in Delphi, C# (.NET), C++, HTML, WordPress, JavaScript, ColdFusion, CFScript, PHP, SQL, and a few others. As for operating systems, I started with CP/M and DOS. I have used every Microsoft operating system since then. I am also a Linux user.

In June of 1990, I was elected as a Fellow of the Institution of Analysts and Programmers.

In my last position, I was an IT Project Manager. Most recently I have focused on my YouTube Channel and developing hardware projects using the Arduino platform, and I make my own electronics lab equipment. I have featured a couple of my projects on this page.

My career in IT has been good to me and I very much enjoy passing-on knowledge to other people, both within the IT community, and those who simply need a little help.

To this end, I have created a YouTube Channel, which contains free IT-related content, IT tutorials such as How-Tos, recommended Windows software, and I shall be adding Arduino content in the near future. I will continue to add content on a regular basis. Please feel free to subscribe and let me know your thoughts.

I love feedback, so please let me know on YouTube what IT tutorials you would like to see.


“fun” facts

I do like my coffee.

An avid animal lover and a vegan.

I love anything to do with flying and I have a student pilot license – it has been a number of years since I took lessons though.

In my downtime, you may well find me watching YouTube videos on electronics, engineering, nuclear physics, and history.

I have a particularly useless Diploma in Advanced Driving Instruction.

Freeman of the City of London (even more useless).



Profile Picture. Ken Haynes Tutorials.